Saturday, January 2, 2010

Time to face the facts

Today I am 11weeks 5days pregnant. Ever since I was 6 weeks I started thinking I might be having twins do to the fact that I grew so fast. A lot of my symptoms seemed to be increased like my fatigue and hunger. I've been getting super dizzy, my eye sight seems way more blurry, My head is in a fog, my limbs feel weak and tingly... not to mention the fact that I've gained over 10 pounds, when the recommended (even for people who are under weight to start) is 3-5 in the first trimester. To make a long story short I feel like crap! My body just doesn't want to do the things my mind wants to do. Which makes me feel depressed. Yesterday I admitted to myself that I'm not gaining weight because of twins, it's not because it's my 3rd... I have gestational diabetes. It's a hard thing to face because the only thing that will help me is to not eat any carbs or sugar. That is NOT something I want to do while being pregnant if ever LOL. I've been diagnosed with it my previous pregnancies, but this time it seems a lot worse. More than I want sugar and carbs I want to feel good, I want my baby to be healthy, and I don't want to gain 60 pounds! This morning I tried to see if I could at least handle a piece of whole wheat toast with eggs, about 15 minutes later I could just feel my sugars were out of control. If I'm going to do this right I can't have any carbs. I don't know why I'm posting this for everyone to see, but I guess in someway I feel this will make me more accountable. I've got to make it through this pregnancy with my sanity. I'm only at the beginning and there are many days that I wonder if I will even make it alive! Wish me luck! This is going to be tough!!!


T. L. H.K. said...

Hey Cherie, don't worry, it's not the end of the world! Food is all a matter of habit. Habits are not easy to break, but you can do it! Do whatever it takes to be healthy. I've never had d.d., so I don't know what you can or cannot eat, but I'm sure there are good carbs that you can eat and will satisfy, right? Brown rice, for example. An egg for breakfast sounds perfect - make it an omlette. I've learned to concentrate on what I can eat, rather than what I can't eat and it makes the going a lot easier! Good luck!

Kevin and Cherie said...

Thanks I'll survive! At least I know it's not forever!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck Lady!!!!!

Nicole said...

Oh you poor thing! Im here for you!

Lacey said...

Cherie, I am sorry you feel so miserable. Good luck. Try getting some almonds or any type of nuts to snack on instead of quick treats with high carbs.