Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2 heartbeats?!

So today I went to the Dr. for my 12 week visit. When we were listening for the heartbeat the nurse said she got a double reading! She was acting really excited and went to get the ultra sound machine (even though she said she really didn't know how to use it)I guess along the way she found someone who could help her see better if there were two babies. In the mean time I'm left in the room scared and trying to prepare myself for the reality of TWINS. In the past I've always thought twins would be so fun, but at that moment all I could think about is how expensive, overwhelming, stressful and how my life would truly be turned upside down. Well she did the ultra sound and to my relief there was only one! Wow I'm really happy now that I was able to see the baby and hear the heartbeat and now I have the peace of mind that I only have to prepare for one. :)


Jonathon and Amanda said...

That would be so crazy to have twins. Congrats on the pregnancy. We are a week apart. I'm due July 14.

Desiree said...

Cherie! You had me excited for a minute that you guys were having twins! I'm with you, though; sounds fun but I don't know if I could do it. Are you excited for the cruise?!?

Lisa Cherie said...

That's such a great story, I knew you'd post it today! I'm glad to be wrong this time.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Cherie I'm really excited for you!! I'm interested to know what you're having. I talked to your mom in the hospital when we had Conner. I hope it's a girl:)

Clayton & Charish Hubbard said...

yeah congrats! i am so happy for your little family!

Larsen said...

First off. . .HOW THE HECK ARE YA?? And yes, I remember you Cherie! you are too cute to forget...Kevin on the other hand....hahaha...kidding. Those Mortimer's....

So, baby #3 huh! Congrats! No longer strangers...adding you to my blog list now...we can catch up slowly via blog posts, eh? OR My email is